Thursday 6 November 2014

Regional Identity

- Accent
Scottish people stereotypically have strong accents in their media portrayals, often used for humorous effect.
- Location/Setting
There are two main types of Scottish setting, usually very remote, rural areas like the highlands or in urban areas like Glasgow or Edinburgh.
- Slang
Scottish slang is very distinctive with words such as : "wee", "bairn", "aye" and "steamin".
- Clothes
Scottish people traditionally wear kilts (tartan skirts), Tom O' Shanter (those weird bobbly hats) and just tartan in general.
- Pastimes
Playing the bagpipes, getting drunk and playing the highland games.
- Attitudes/Behaviour
They are usually portrayed as angry or aggressive, whilst being quite loud.

- Accent
The accent varies depending on the representation, but whilst not always being strong it is usually quite noticeable.
- Location/Setting
Yorkshire settings are usually quite rural, with lots of hills and fields, often in TV dramas Yorkshire settings are small villages.
- Slang
Phrases like "eeh by gum" and words such as "nowt" and "gander".
- Clothes
Yorkshire men usually wear tweed jackets and flat caps, whilst the women don't really have a set stereotypical dress.
- Pastimes
Stereotypical Yorkshire pastimes include smoking pipes, walking around and going to the pub.
- Attitudes/Behaviour
Yorkshire people are represented to be very proud of being from Yorkshire, whilst being stubborn and argumentative.

- Accent:
In TV dramas Londoners usually have strong, cockney accents, as this is the most famous/recognisable of them. Usually for effect or for humour.
- Location/Setting
Usually very urban as it's set in London, either the glossier, more touristy areas of London or the grimier residential side of things.
- Slang
The most famous London slang is Cockney rhyming slang, e.g. apples & pears -> stairs.
- Clothes
As London is the capital, it is seen as the place where most fashions originate, and therefore the most fashionable. So Londoners are usually represented as either dressing quite fashionably.
- Pastimes
Londoners don't really have a specific stereotypical pastime, but certain jobs can be seen as especially "London" such as being a market trader.
- Attitudes/Behaviour
They are presented as quite down to earth, whilst being quite in your face and loud.

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